Sally O’Dowd

Sally O’Dowd (b.1980) is a visual artist and artist-led curator with a socially engaged practice exploring the enormity of time through psychogeography and feminism. She draws a lot and creates absurd, socially awkward performances about motherhood. She thinks about identity. In particular, intimate female ritual and investigating the role – self selected and enforced – of women in contemporary Irish society. She frequently works collaboratively in both her artistic and curatorial practices. And, has delivered many participatory drawing sessions for events including Open Communal Shared Drawing (PSSquared. 2022, 2023), and National Trust Conversations Festival (Mount Stewart, 2020).

Sally O’Dowd is a recent recipient of the prestigious Arts Council of Northern Ireland Artist Career Enhancement Scheme.

Her drawings are held in the Historic Royal Palaces, Northern Ireland Civil Service and Arts Council of Northern Ireland Collections.

O’Dowd holds a Masters of Art: Art & Process and BA Fine Art from Middlesex University, London, and Ledri School of Art, Nicosia, Cyprus. 

Sally co-founded Townhall Cavan Arts Space and won the Local Government Award for ‘Sustaining the Arts’ in partnership with Cavan County Council.


She is a founding member, gallery team member, and studio holder at Vault Artist Studios, independent artist-led studios, Belfast.

Residency period: April - July ‘24


Dave Loder


Kharis Beggs